We are thankful for all the kind webmasters who have linked their sites to Interlude. We have been honored by many kind and encouraging email messages from visitors. We are honored that many of our vistors return daily or weekly. In addition, Interlude has been recognized by the following websites, some of which continue to exist to this day:

Britannica.com editors selected Interlude as one of the best on the Internet when reviewed for quality, accuracy of content, presentation and usability.

NetGuide Gold Site NetGuide Magazine listed Interlude as a Gold Site.

Circles of Light Internet Magazine awarded Interlude it's "Light Sharer's" award.

Suite101.com awarded Interlude  in its Stress Management category.

Point of Life Award
Point of life.com gave Interlude a Merit of Excellence Award for outstanding content and sincerity.

Links2Go listed Interlude as a Key Resource for 
Spirituality & Consciousness, which means they determined 
a whole lot of sites link to us. 
Fitness Partner Connection Champion Fitness Partner Connection Jumpsite! lauded Interlude as a Champion Web Site .
Third Age reviewed Interlude as "an essential site." Third Age: The Web. . . for Grownups
Mining Company Best of the Net Interlude is included as one of the Best of the Net at the Mining Company Panic Disorder Page .
In January 1998 Interlude received the Enlightened Pages Award.

Reflections magazine featured Interlude in its Monthly Guide to the Holistic Side of the Internet in the December 1997 issue.

The April 1997 issue of Natural Way magazine recommended Interlude as a good place to take a break.

Enlightened Pages Award
In November 1996, Interlude was featured on the David Busch Program on Australian Broadcasting Corporation radio.

MSN MSNBC has linked to Interlude twice. In September 1996 from an Article called Wallstreet's Stress Buster and again in November 1996, from an article about stress on the the NBC Nightly News with Tom Brokaw webpage.

In its Spring 1996 issue Yahoo! Internet Life reviewed Interlude and gave it a 2.5 Stars rating.

Interlude recieved Spirit to Spirit's Site of Light Award Site of Light

We're pleased to be considered a Positive Place on the Internet Positive Place on the Internet

Columnist and TV personality Gina Smith recommended Interlude as a place to help you reduce stress in her January 1996 column in the San Francisco Examiner.

Cosmic Site of the Nite Adze Mixxe Astrologer Extraordinaire picked Interlude as a Cosmic Site of the Nite

Golden Feather Award Interlude was one of the first to receive the Golden Feather Award given to sites dedicated to the sharing information and resources which enlighten and educate the public.

We were voted a "Best Site" by the Pacific Northwest Home Page Directory.

Interlude was selected as Spider's Pick of the Day at Spider's Web.

Interlude was picked as the Unusual or Deep Site of the Day. We're still trying to decide whether they thought we were unusual or deep.
 Spirit And Sky "The Definitive New Age Directory" called Interlude A Top Spiritual Site and "A fine example of what a spiritual site should be!"